Copyright © 2021 Riverside Legion Branch 255 / Website Coordinator Elaine Dunn / All Rights Reserved.
The Public Speaking Contest, part of the Legion's Youth and Education program, is meant to give young people an opportunity to speak in public. The individual chooses their own subject matter for the address.
When is the contest held?
The contest date is set by each branch, and is normally in the early part the year. The contest progresses through zone, district and area levels, concluding at the Provincial level in May of each year.
Dates for the contests at Branch, Zone, and District level should be established by the respective chairmen in September of each year, with careful selection being given to ensure that the contests at the various levels are not held on holiday weekends, school breaks, etc. The deadline date for the area contests will be at least two weeks prior to the Provincial Contest which is held on the 1st Saturday in May.
The contestants are divided into four classes:
Grades 1 - 3 Grades 4 - 6 Grades 7 - 9 Grades 10 - 12
Rules and Regulations
- The speakers may select their own topics. Participants in the Primary Category (Grades 1 - 3) may select their own topic or story. Speeches are to be the original work of the speaker. The speaker will credit authors and sources of material, if referring to another person's work. Speeches that repeat verbatim another person's original work will not be accepted. If a Primary Speaker (Grades 1 - 3) is retelling a published story or work, this speaker MUST provide a copy of the original work to the Chairman at the time of the competition.
- Visual aids, props, notes, cue cards, lecterns, etc., may be used to support the speech, notwithstanding the fact that judges may add or subtract marks according to the manner in which they are used.
- Speakers will not be allowed to use "Power Point" as a method of presentation or as a tool during presentation.
- The assistance of persons other than the Chairman or his appointee is not permitted at any level of the contest
- English and French speakers will compete within the same contest at all levels. Bilingual judges must be used when necessary. Speakers must compete in English or French and must continue to speak in their chosen language throughout all levels of the competition.
- The speakers must progress through all levels of the competition: Branch, Zone, District, Area and Provincial, using the same speech.
- A penalty of 5% of the total marks received shall be imposed to a speech that is either short or in excess of the time limit for that level, before the total scores are compiled. This penalty will be imposed by the time-keeper and applied by the scrutineers. No penalty will be levied for Grades 1 - 3.
- 8. A penalty of 5% of the total marks received shall be imposed to any contestant who freezes. A contestant who freezes may continue but all speaking time used will count. This penalty will be imposed by the time-keeper and applied by the scrutineers.
- No person, including press photographers, shall photograph or videotape a speaker during the contest.
- A microphone may only be used by a "Special Need" student. This student will require a certificate from a medical practitioner. The Chairman should be informed of the need before the competition begins.
- The provincial public speaking contest will be held on the first Saturday in May, of any given year.
- Speakers may not identify themselves, except by first name, during the contest.
- Contestants who are late for registration without "just cause" will be disqualified from the contest.
- All wall clocks will be covered during the contest.
- All cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices are to be turned off during the competition. Such devices cannot be used for any reason during the contest.
- If you need to leave the room, please do so between speeches or at the break. Do not enter or leave the room during a speech.
- Coaching of any kind from the audience will not be permitted.
- Any violation of the above rules and regulations will result in a penalty being imposed by Ontario Command and may include disqualification from this or any future competitions.
- Judges will render a decision on all speakers without consultation with other judges or any other person and their decision is final.
Progression to Provincial Competition
Contestants participate at their local branch. Successful contestants from Branch level then participate at zone level. Successful zone level contestants move on to district.
For the purpose of determining Provincial entries, the Province will be divided into four areas and rotated on an area basis, as follows:
Districts "A" and "B" Districts "C" "D" and "E" Districts "F" and "G" Districts "H" and "K"
The Provincial Finals of the Public Speaking Contest will be held on the first Saturday in May of each year and the area contests are to be completed at least two(2) weeks prior to the Provincial Finals. More information can be found on the Ontario Provincial Command website.
Students who have been out of the educational system for more than two years
are ineligible to compete in the Provincial Public Speaking Competition at any level.
Essays & Poems
Contestants are challenged to exercise their creativity and write an essay and/or poem on the theme of Remembrance. This is a contest to select the most suitable essays and poems submitted by students in the Canadian school system.
When is the contest held?
Contests are held each year just prior to Remembrance Day by local Legion branches throughout Ontario Command. Winners of local contests have the opportunity to compete against other branch level winners at zone level, zone winners participate at district level, district winners at provincial level and provincial winners then compete at the Dominion or national level.
The contest is divided into three categories.
CATEGORY 1: SENIOR • GRADES 10, 11, 12 Candidates will submit a composition in prose of not more than 800 words or a poem of not more than 32 lines.
CATEGORY 2: INTERMEDIATE • GRADES 7, 8, 9 Candidates will submit a composition in prose of not more than 500 words or a poem of not more than 32 lines.
CATEGORY 3: JUNIOR • GRADES 4, 5, 6 Candidates will submit a composition in prose of not more than 350 words or a poem of not more than 32 lines.
Rules and Regulations
- All entries to be submitted to the local Legion branch.
- This contest is open to all students in the Canadian school system.
- Entries may be submitted in either English or French.
- Entries will be marked on the basis of originality of thought, expression, presentation, grammar, spelling and Canadian content.
- Candidates must complete an official Registration Form, available from the local Legion branch or on line at, and attach it to their entry.
- Candidates will use only one side of the page.
- Entries must not exceed the word or line limit.
Contestants may submit an Essay and a Poem, but may submit only one entry for each category.
Students who have been out of the educational system for more than two consecutive years
are ineligible to compete in the Poster Contest at any level.
The Poster Contest, part of the Legion's Youth and Education program, is meant to foster an understanding of the sacrifices made on our behalf by many young men and women in World Wars I and II, and the Korean War. To this day, many brave young men and women put their personal security at risk in the name of peace and humanity in places like Bosnia, Cyprus, Haiti, East Timor, Afghanistan, etc.
The entry may be either Black and White or Colour. The two types are judged in separate contests.
When are the contests held?
Contests are held each year just prior to Remembrance Day by local Legion branches throughout Ontario Command. Winners of local contests have the opportunity to compete against other branch level winners at zone level, zone winners participate at district level, district winners at provincial level, and provincial winners then compete at the Dominion or national level.
The contest is divided into four categories.
Primary - Grades 1, 2 and 3
Junior - Grades 4, 5 and 6
Intermediate - Grades 7, 8 and 9
Senior - Grades 10, 11 and 12
What can I draw?
The subject matter is Remembrance. The artist's work should inspire or reflect upon Remembrance. If any national symbols are used they should be predominantly Canadian.
Rules & Regulations
Posters will be based on the subject of REMEMBRANCE.
Contestants are challenged to exercise their initiative and create a poster on this theme.
- Entries will be no larger than 22” x 28” (56cm x 71cm).
- Contest I Entries will be accepted in Black & White on black or white paper only; pencil charcoal and/or India ink. Computer generated entries will not be accepted.
- Contest II Entries will only be accepted in colour. Photographs and three-dimensional submissions made of tinsel, cotton or wooden sticks for example, will not be accepted. Computer generated posters will not be accepted.
- When national symbols are used, Canadian symbols must be preeminent.
- Entries will be judged on originality, expression of designated subject, drawing and illustration.
- Signatures on entries are no longer required. However, students will attach an official registration form showing their name, address, age, grade, name & address of their school and local Legion Branch.
- All entries are to be submitted to their local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
- Posters will be judged at Branch: winners to Zone, to District and to Provincial level. Only First Place winners should be forwarded to each level. Provincial winners are submitted to Ottawa for judging at national level. Entries should be forwarded to the next level FLAT.
- Students may enter both Black & White and colour contests, but may submit only one entry for each category.
- Chairmen are encouraged to code all posters in pencil on the back of the entry the Branch #, District, Zone, Poster Contest I or II, Category 1/2/3/4, Example: 452: F-5: P-II: C-1.
Students who have been out of the educational system for more than two consecutive years
are ineligible to compete in the Poster Contest at any level.
Our Youth and Education program is meant to educate students on the importance
of Remembrance Day with the Poster, Poem & Essay Contests.
Our Public Speaking Contest helps students prepare for their future.
We also offer bursaries. Please contact the Legion if you are interested.
- Veterans, their children, grandchildren or greatgrandchildren of Canadian and Commonwealth Wars.
- Candidates must be registered for or enrolled in a fulltime Program at a Community College or University.
- Confirmation of enrollment at a Port Secondary Educational Institution is requires (i.e.-valid student card, paid enrollment receipt.)
Please pick up applications at the Bar in the Branch (5645 Wyandotte St.E.)
DEADLINE: November 12, 2021
Students must FIRST apply for this award online:
UWinsite Student>Student Homepage>Award Profile.
In support of your online application, upload the complete and signed verification by the application deadline date. Candidates, their parent(s) or grandparent(s) must have held ordinary or associate membership in Branch 255 or membership in the Ladies Auxiliary for at least twelve months and must provide proof of this affiliation.
Candidates for this award:
- Be full time undergraduate student in year 2 or beyond with a minimum grade average of 68%.
- Demonstrated financial need
- Be a graduate of a public or separate secondary school within Ontario.
BURSARIES 2022- 2023
Criteria for all Applications: must be a Veteran, children of a veteran,
grandchildren or great grandchild, spouses or surviving spouses of Veterans
(Poppy Manual June 2022-Chapter 4 – pg 23). Application and or fliers are
behind the bar.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 255 Poppy Bursary
Awarded to University or College students enrolled in a full time program
(any year). Applications for the Fall semester must be in by Oct 1st and the
bursary will be presented at the General Meeting in Oct.. Any applications
handed in between Oct 1 and Feb 1 will be considered for the Winter semester and will be presented at the Feb General Meeting. In order to receive the bursary proof of a valid student card is necessary. This is a one time bursary.
Mary Turner Bursary - Awarded to 2nd year students and up, attending the University of Windsor.
Deadline Oct 31/22. For further information contact the awards office.
Zone Bursaries
Cliff Capnerhurst - 2nd year students and up at St. Clair College
Application open from Oct 1/22 to Dec 1/22. For further information contact the awards office.
Rev Goddard - 2nd year students and up attending the University of Windsor.
Deadline Oct 31/33. For further information contact the awards office.
Provincial Command Bursary - 1st year students and up. Applications at the bar.