Copyright © 2021 Riverside Legion Branch 255 / Website Coordinator Elaine Dunn / All Rights Reserved.
The next General Meeting will be held on Thursday September 26th at 7p.m.
Must show membership card before seating.
March and April – two key months
The branch 255 shall hold its monthly General Meetings on the 4th Thursday of the months of January through November starting at 7:00 PM. The Month of December shall be excluded.
All meetings are run according to the rules set down in Rules of Procedure for Legion Meetings (which are very similar to Roberts Rules of Order). The general format is as follows:
• All members must sign the attendance logbook. At each table, they can pick up copies of the minutes of the last meeting, the proposed agenda for the current meeting, the monthly financial report, and any other reports.
• All meetings commence with the chairperson calling the meeting to order. A Ceremony of Remembrance is observed.
• The Sergeant at Arms reports to the chairperson on whether or not a quorum has been achieved.
• A roll call is taken of the executive officers.
• An agenda is presented to the meeting for approval.
• If there are new members, they will be admitted to the Royal Canadian Legion and to the Westboro Branch in a short ceremony.
• The president gives his report. His, and all reports by the executive officers, are submitted to the meeting for approval, and voted on.
• The treasurer gives the monthly financial report.
• The Sergeant at Arms gives a report on ceremonial events. These include such things as requests by a family to provide a colour party for the internment or memorial services for deceased veterans.
• The various chairpersons then give their reports to the meeting for approval.
• When the reports have been received, the chairperson asks if there is any new business. At this point, any attendee can put forth a motion. If someone seconds it, a discussion will follow. Unless the motion is withdrawn or tabled, a vote will be held.
• The final vote of the evening is on a motion to adjourn. When that motion is passed, there is a short ceremony, and the meeting is concluded.
Executive meetings are open to the executive officers and standing committee chairpersons only. They are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00pm.
All Legion members can, and are encouraged to, wear the official Legion uniform if those who have them: white shirt, rep tie, gray slacks/skirt and blue blazer with a Legion crest sewn to the breast pocket. These items are easily obtained, reasonably uniform in appearance, and can be readily obtained from the Legion store or other clothing retailers. There are no ranks in the Legion, so everyone, from the branch president to regular members, can wear the same uniform.
Are you interested in becoming apart of the Executive or joining one of the Commitees?
We can help connect you with that lead member and provide you with the necessary information to help you grow within our organization.
Find out more below about each role, the benefits and responsibilities, and see who's currently filling that position (in no particular order).
No person shall be nominated except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws. Only Life, Ordinary, Associate and Affiliate Voting members in good standing shall have the right to vote or hold office at any level within this branch. Members so nominated must be present at the nominating meeting or have signified in writing willingness to accept such office.
"Member in Good Standing” means a member who has been initiated and who is not under suspension or is not in arrears in payment of dues.
The President as the community representative has the ultimate responsibility for what happens during the branch. They will also be the presiding officer at all meetings. They should attend all Zone and District Rallies, and must ensure that reports are filed by officers and committee chairman to their respective Zone/District counterpart.
1st/2nd Vice
As the 1st Vice your primary goal at this time should be to learn as much as possible from the President, as your goal as Vice President is to one day accept the office of Branch President . You may be called upon to chair a meeting of the Branch, to host visiting officers and guests, or to chair major Branch committee's i.e.., Bar, Poppy, Finance, etc.
Past President
Through your leadership during your term as President of this branch. You have accumulated experience which will be invaluable to your successor. As a past president you are charged with a continuing responsibility toward your Branch and the officers who are now entrusted with its affairs.
Veterans Services/Service Officer
Branch Service Officers assist Veterans by identifying those with unmet health needs and possible benefits from VAC and then by making appropriate referrals to Command Service Officers. These are the Legion volunteers who first come into contact with Veterans, spouses and their families.
The Treasurer's duties are to “ensure that an accurate account of all monies received or paid out by the Branch and a record of all other financial transactions is maintained.” The Branch Treasurer should review the cost and the selling prices of all commodities (bar, legion supplies, poppy wreaths, etc.) on a continuing basis to ensure the Branch maintains a reasonable mark-up.
Youth & Education Chair
The Royal Canadian Legion is committed to ensuring the tradition of Remembrance remains relevant to and supported by younger generations. We promote youth-specific education regarding Veterans and Remembrance through a range of local and national initiatives. Re: Poster & Literary Contests
Sick & Visiting Committee Members
The Sick & Visiting Committee works closely with the Veterans Services/Service Officer. We all care about our members and our Veterans. On this committee, volunteers assist by visiting local hospitals and homes to show our fellow comrades we care.
Honours & Awards/Dinner Chair
Recognizing members for their contributions to the Legion is very important. Volunteers on this committee work with the chairperson to identify those recipients deserving of recognition. Organizing and planning the annual awards luncheon is a key function.
Ways and Means
Volunteers on this committee help in the various ways and means of raising money for the Branch. Help is needed planning and organizing various fundraising activities that may include special dinners,BBQS, and other events.
Each year we are faced with the challenge to maintain and increase our membership. This is essential if the Legion is to survive as a healthy and viable organization. Every year, we lose members for many reasons, one of which is the passing on of veterans who are now in their advanced years. To these members The Legion owes its very existence, therefore we must do all we can to ensure that the work they started so many years ago continues in the future.
Poppy Chair
The Poppy Chairman must be capable of exercising leadership, have the ability to build consensus and, in general, be a person who has the trust and respect of the committee members. The Chairman is also responsible to ensure that the people participating in the campaign receive instructions as to their roles and responsibilities. The position of Chairman can be challenging, but it is a position that every member should aspire to, as it is during the Remembrance period that we renew our pledge to ‘not break faith’.
The Sports chairman is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the sporting events. Duties include: Approving the Schedule of Events and ensuring that the times of the draws, luncheons, dinners and entertainment are coordinated in order to prevent conflicts. Editing printed matter to ensure it is factual. Maintaining close liaison with Provincial Command and Dominion Command and ensuring that copies of all relevant correspondence and minutes of all meetings are forwarded to both commands.
Public Relations
Public relations involves building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with an organization’s publics regarding : Community relations, Customer relations, Donor relations, Marketing communications, Media relations & publicity, and Member relations.
Branch Recording Secretary
The Branch Secretary is described as the scribe, the organizer and the coordinator of the Branch. Anyone who has spent time as a Branch Secretary will likely tell you that there is no better way to learn how the Legion and your Branch works, than by serving in this important role .
Sgt at Arms
The Sergeant at Arms is always looking for those dedicated persons willing to participate in a variety of annual events as a part of the Colour Party. Volunteers will find a great deal of pride and satisfaction from participating.
Other Committee Opporunities
Other Committee Roles available include: Grants/Bursaries Chair, Cenotaph Committee, Cadet Liason Officer, Hall Rental / Entertainment Chair and more!
Copyright © 2021 Riverside Legion Branch 255 / Website Coordinator Elaine Dunn / All Rights Reserved.