"We strive to make a difference in the lives of Veterans and to support our Community".
Copyright © 2021 Riverside Legion Branch 255 / Website Coordinator Elaine Dunn / All Rights Reserved.
The Ladies Auxiliary is a non-profit organization operated separate from The Royal Canadian Legion… but together they thrive.
The Ladies Auxiliary originated during the First World War when women were asked to help wounded Veterans returning home, and to provide supports for their families. When The Royal Canadian Legion was established
in 1926, these women were a welcomed addition at Legion Branches as they continued the tradition of volunteering to support needy ex-service personnel, and to enrich the programs and activities of the Branch.
Members of the Ladies Auxiliary support the aims and objects of The Royal Canadian Legion and today, they are a vital and integral part of the work of the Legion. Major contributors to the day-to-day life of Legion Branches, Ladies’ Auxiliaries provide financial and volunteer support to Legion programs.
The Ladies Auxiliaries are coordinated at the Branch level. Any woman who is eligible for membership in the Legion may choose to become a member of the Ladies Auxiliary only, or a member of both organizations.
The Royal Canadian Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary is comprised of mothers, wives, daughters, stepdaughters, nieces, sisters, granddaughters, great granddaughters and widows of Legion members. In some Commands, membership is also open to women in the community.
Most, but not all, branches have Auxiliaries which come under the jurisdiction of the Branch. Major contributors to the day to day life of the branch, auxiliaries provide financial and volunteer support to Legion programs.
Our Auxiliary has devoted many hours working to raise money from bake sales, kitchen, Casino bus trips, fundraisers etc....
Membership is open to any woman of good character and is 19 years of age and over; and Supports the aims and objectives of the Legion.
Complete the application and bring it to the Branch.
Maureen Fracas
Margaret Smole
Kelly Campeau
Kelly Campeau
Elaine Johnson
1st Vice President:
2nd Vice President:
Sergeant At Arms:
The Sports Committee organizes events where you can also meet new friends. The tournaments take us to other Legions where you can meet new people and make new friends:
•Euchre Tournaments
•Cribbage Tournaments
•Dart Tournaments
We have enjoyed the friendships we have made being members of this wonderful organization and taking part in our popular sports program.