The Royal Canadian Legion Graduating Cadet Application ONE YEAR FREE MEMBERSHIP
(*New members only, this membership does not include Legion Magazine subscription)
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Copyright © 2021 Riverside Legion Branch 255 / Website Coordinator Elaine Dunn / All Rights Reserved.
Windsor Regiment
2828 Royal Canadian Army Cadets
Experiences you can't get anywhere else!
Army cadets is a COMPLETELY FREE program offered to youth between the ages of 12-19 funded by the Government, and delivered by specially trained Officers in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Have you been seeing all of the fun and exciting activities our Cadets have been involved in this summer?
Do you think this may be something you’re children or grand-children would be interested in trying out?
Check out our Cadet Corps and Squadron Directory to find the closest cadet corps or squadron, and be sure to check out our “Join Cadets” page. www.cadets .ca
To join the 2828 Royal Canadian Army Cadets call today 519-256-6565